February 2006 OpenPGP Key Signing Party

Join the community. Get your key signed. Build the web of trust. Eat free pizza!

Hosted by: Vermont Area Group of Unix Enthusiasts Advocating the use of free (as in freedom), open source, unix and GNU/Linux systems and software.

And: The Giftfile Project Supporting nonproprietary creative works.

The key signing party is an absolutely FREE EVENT, but ...

The coordinator will very HAPPILY ACCEPT tax-deductible cash or check DONATIONS to the Giftfile Project (did I mention FREE PIZZA for your fine belly?!?!). See the trailer for details.



Q. Must I be a regular Vague member to participate?

A. NO. There are already a couple of outsiders who plan to attend.

Q. What will it be like?

A. A cross between high school homeroom period and a line dance.

Q. Why would I want to participate?

A. It is your opportunity to join and strengthen the trust networks that our community uses to establish identity, and to eat free pizza.

Q. What are the semantics when I sign someone's key?

A. You certify, for example, that the person "Anthony Carrico" corresponds to the key with fingerprint "B4A0 ... 7ED0 6B5C" and UID "Anthony Carrico <acarrico@memebeam.org>". It doesn't mean anything else. It doesn't mean that you trust Anthony Carrico to drive your car.

Q. How do I use GnuPG or other software?

A. This sheet is just the facts. Ask HOW TO questions at the January Vague meeting, or on the Vague mailing list. See also the GnuPG manuals, the #gnupg channel on irc at chat.freenode.net, etc.

Q. How do I participate?


  1. If you don't have an OpenPGP key, generate one.
  2. Check that your key is up-to-date. Add or revoke UIDs, if you use an expiration date, move it to the future, etc.
  3. Make sure the up-to-date version of your public key is available at the designated key server (subkeys.pgp.net). Send it or resend it if necessary.

    At this point your key must be available at subkeys.pgp.net!

  4. Email your key id to "Key Signing Party <ksp@giftfile.org>". Please send it from one of the email addresses in your key's UIDs. Please send it EARLY, certainly send it BEFORE the meeting. If you send it late you might not make it on to the list.
  5. Tell your friends and colleagues about the KSP.
  6. Come to the KSP. Bring photo IDs, a pen, and a hardcopy of your 160-bit fingerprint. We will do everything on paper. Don't bring your computer for the KSP itself. You can bring any IDs you like, your Passport and Drivers License would be excellent choices. Each participant sets their own policy. If you bring your Video and Firefly Fan Club membership cards, then nobody is likely to sign your key.
  7. The coordinator will hand out check lists. We will verify everything in an organized fashion.

    After this point everything is up to your personal policy!

  8. At home, using your check list and notes, decide which UIDS on which keys to sign and do so. Remember, you decide which keys and which UIDs to sign.
  9. Distribute your signatures. You decide the method. PLEASE REMEMBER TO DO THIS STEP!
  10. As you receive signatures from other participants, you should add them to your key, and upload them to the keyserver. Also refresh your keyring to grab sigs that were sent directly to the keyserver.
  11. Enjoy your new found six degrees of separation.

Q. Where can I find more KSP details?

A. Search the web for "GnuPG Keysigning Party HOWTO" or "Len Sassaman and Phil Zimmermann" or "ksp-lt2k5".


Checks to Electronic Gift Economies, Inc.

Electronic Gift Economies, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation is tax-deductible in the United States. Please ask at the time of your donation if you would like a receipt. The IRS only requires acknowledgment for single contributions of $250 or more (this is not tax advice, etc., etc.).

Thank you very much!